LOOK Raiders punter just solved Marshawn Lynchs biggest comeback problem

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With and the Raiders , there only seems to be one thing thats really holding up Beast Modes comeback: He doesnt have any cleats Anthony Duruji Jersey . You see, when Lynch Super Bowl 50, he did so by tweeting out a picture of a pair of cleats. Shawn Lynch (@MoneyLynch) Metaphorically, I think that is Lynch hanging up his cleats.However, Raiders punter clearly doesnt believe in metaphors because he decided to track down Marshawns mi sing shoes, and it looks like he found them.Here is King cutting down Lynchs cleats so that Marshawn has a pair to use when he makes his comeback. It took an international investigation to find Tom Bradys stolen jersey, while King didnt need anyones help to find Marshawns cleats. What a (future?) teammate. You can bet King is going to get some free Skittles out of this.If youre wondering Jake Oliver Jersey why King is so interested in having Lynch land with the Raiders, it seems that he really just wants someone to carry his shoulder pads during training camp. Yooo when you come to the I expect you to carry my pads after practice... Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) The downside for King is that Lynch isnt actually his teammate yet. For Beast Mode to make the move to Oakland, hell the to cut him or trade him to the Raiders. Knowing King, hes probably on the phone with the Seahawks right now Tony Ellison Jersey trying to facilitate the trade.Anyway, its probably safe to say that no one in NFL had a weirder weekend than King.Besides hunting down Marshawns cleats, he also took some time to go punt at a local football field, which sounds normal until you realize that he was punting outfit. I think thats his way of telling us that we should see the new Power Rangers movie.
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